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Amazing fact around the world part 3

By 12:58 PM

Amazing fact around the world

Top 10 random facts around the world

Facts Number 1

When a dog is trying to tell you something in his eyes, the reason is the evolutionary process by which he has learned how to attract human hearts.

 Researchers have found that the dogs' inner muscles pass through the evolutionary process so that they can produce the kind of feedback that draws humans to their eyes.

Fact Number 2

Safe seat in plane

 None of the seats on the plane are safe 'The only difference is that the casualty rate for passengers sitting in the middle seats at the rear of the ship is lower than those in the other seats.

Fact Number 3

house of honeybees.

The management and management of the bee houses, 
The roof, is as organized and regular as if it was the "system empire" of a developed country.  Which is running a system of governance with the whole system in which there is no disturbance and corruption.

Fact Number 4

Disobedient and Rebellious Honeybees

Disobedient and rebellious flies are punished by their "yoke", even killing some and controlling everyone.  Never a honey bee can sit on an impurity, and if one ever sits, their king, "Jacob", punishes him severely and expels him from the hive.

Fact Number 5

Why we dream is still a scientific mystery.

 Some scientists think that this is the way our brain exercises during sleep, others claim it helps the brain absorb the memories and thoughts of the day.

Fact Number 6

The mind easily wanders while shopping

 2 New research reports revealed that when people who were not mentally stressed, lacked sleep or excessive awareness were shown deceptive advertising, they developed a desire to buy the product.  One study discovered that the brain consciously forces humans to buy more expensive items, in order to impress people.

Fact Number 7

Secret room in plane

 Did you know that some airplanes also have a secret room that few travelers are familiar with?  This room is actually designed to relax aircraft staff on long-haul flights - it is usually used for 16 hours or more.

Fact Number 8

100,000,000 searches on google ( amazing)

 More than 100,000,000 gigabytes of data is searched for on Google

Fact Number 9

World's highest tree
Hyperion is the world's highest tree, and its rare, 
Hyperion hight almost 380 feet

Fact Number 10

Google Doodle
Google owners Larry Page and Sergey Burn created the first Google Doodle in 1998.

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