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The excesses for a “good figure”

By 12:24 PM

The excesses for a “good figure”

Everyone wants to look good today, everyone looks for a perfect silhouette, everyone wants to have an enviable body. This is not bad, but taken to the excesses and extremes, like everything, can bring with it serious and serious consequences.

We have all met someone who cares a lot about how he looks physically, in relation to his weight, but when those hobbies are taken to the extreme, the consequences can be relatively serious.

The problems that an obsession with the weight can bring can be from a simple uncontrolled feeding to a severe case of anorexia.

There are cases of people who have gone from a simple and slight case of obesity to an extreme case of thinness, which can be equal or greater problem than extreme obesity.

The main culprits of this fact are the media and beauty that using the art of Photoshop, modeling, makeup and photography, have established standards or ceilings of unattainable figures, all to feed a marketing world in which the main affected are the consumers.

These in order to reach these impossible standards, take extreme exercise routines and hellish diets to or achieve that much-desired utopian figure. Bringing problems and health complications to their lives, due to the extreme methods that are often used when you want to lose weight desperately.

This is a more than obvious problem that attacks public health. But before this the media do not decide to do anything, since they are the main beneficiaries of this problem that affects so much the influential society

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